If your child is interested in taking private lessons over the Fall, please click the button below to fill out the application for our private lesson scholarship.
(Students who have already received a scholarship for the Summer CANNOT receive a fall scholarship).
There is a new system for the Private Lesson Scholarship this year! Please read the documents before for information.
Anchor Bay
Band Boosters
The Anchor Bay Band Boosters are a registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit, volunteer organization who’s mission is to support the students and programs associated with the Anchor Bay High School Instrumental Music Program. While fundraising is a major part of what the boosters do, it is not the sole purpose of the organization.
It is the mission of the Anchor Bay Band Boosters, in partnership with the Band Director(s) and school administration, to provide each of our students an opportunity to receive the best music education possible. We intend to accomplish this objective by providing moral, physical, and financial support to the band program in its effort to expose and apprise our children to the many opportunities available to them through participation in the musical arts. We commit ourselves to the task of assisting those less fortunate to also participate and enjoy the benefits of instrumental music membership. We pledge to promote a spirit of fellowship and goodwill with all areas of the school and always encourage our children to be the best ambassadors possible for the Anchor Bay Schools.
Our band booster organization is one of the few ways you can be actively involved in your child’s high school education. It's a great way to connect with your student and support an activity that they're passionate about. Your most important contribution will always be your presence. Simply being involved sends a powerful message to your son or daughter. There is no substitute for this precious and priceless gift.
Executive Board
President - Tom Braun
1st VP (Fund Raising) - Andrea Gabbard
2nd VP (Special Events) - Cindy Majewski
Treasurer - Tim Vietto
Financial Secretary -
Tiffani Bokano
Recording Secretary - Mike Tandarich
Director of Bands - Jonathan Carrothers
Asistant Director of Bands - Daniel Fenton
Band Booster General Meetings
All parents are strongly encouraged to attend meetings to receive important information about the music program.
Meetings are warm, welcoming, and efficient!
Our next Band Booster General Meetings will be...
August 28th, 2024
January 8th, 2025
April 9th, 2025
May 14th, 2025
All at 7PM
Please enter through door 4
Meetings will be held in the Band Room.
Become A Booster Parent
The Band Boosters are a fantastic organization that supports our students and their effort to become better students and citizens.The Band Boosters actually consists of every parent with a student in the Anchor Bay Bands, so congratulations! You are a Band Booster! Please plan on attending future Band Booster meetings to learn what is going on in your child’s classroom. You meet many other band parents and discover many ways to support your child.
We encourage every parent to become involved with the band program. We would not be the program we are without the parental support! Students benefit and learn from parents who volunteer and attend meetings and concerts.
All Rights Reserved | Anchor Bay Bands